Route 66,REALTORS Blood Drive…….In less than 1 hour just 1 donation can impact the lives of as many as 3 patients!

 In less than 1 hour just 1 donation can impact the lives of as many as 3 patients!

Did you know?

·   *    Most Diabetics can donate

·    *    Most donors taking medications are acceptable

·    *    Most people with controlled high blood pressure can donate

·    *    Red blood cells must be used within 42 days.

·    *    Platelets must be used within 5 days.

·    *    One out of five people that enter the hospital will need blood.

·    *    Every 3 seconds someone in our country will need blood because of injury or illness.

·    *    19% of our blood supply is used by cancer patients


·   *    Bring a picture ID

·    *    Donors must be at least 17 to donate (16 with parental consent)

·    *    There is no upper age limit to donate.

·    *    Donors must be at least 110 lbs.

·    *    56 days must have passed since your last donation or 112 days since your last Double Red Cell donation.

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